Living The Sweet Life - My First Week Without Sugar

As of this evening, I've been on my allergy diet for exactly one week, and I thought I would let you all know how it was going.
  • That inner peace over my required dietary restrictions? Well, it's for the most part holding up. It is, after all, quite a different thing to be told that you MUST avoid something because it is making you sick.
  • However, my roast beef made me sad tonight because it just wasn't what I wanted and I didn't feel satisfied after I ate it.
  • I also admit to crying on at least three occasions over the last week - including Wed. night, my Mommy's Night Off, when I normally would have been holed up in a coffee shop.
  • I think the reality is setting in, and this upcoming week is probably going to be tough.
  • For the most part, it's not too hard to eat this way....with a couple of exceptions.
  • My meat/veggies/fruit diet does get - well - boring.
  • I really hate facing a slab of meat and a pile of veggies every morning. Breakfast has never been my favorite meal of the day, but this is downright irritating. Honestly, I'm starting to dread that first meal of the day.
  • The three things I miss the most are coffee, oatmeal and chocolate.
  • The only problems at this point are more social in nature. The Mommy's Night Off I mentioned? I literally don't have anywhere I can go now to get away, and that's going to hurt for a while.
  • By the way, I HATE having the Halloween candy in the house right now, and I REALLY hate the fact that I have to help the Pixie open her candy.
  • My mood has been stable all week, which I'm very grateful for. We had honestly expected a lot worse.
  • I started this diet Monday, and at 2:00 (my normal chocolate break time) that afternoon I completely crashed. By the time my husband got home from work I could barely function....and I haven't had much energy since.
  • It's actually a struggle to get ENOUGH calories every day under this diet, and so I imagine for a while I'm going to be working to find the balance between calories in and exercise out.
  • Now for the good stuff.
  • Must say that it's kind of nice to be able to eat whatever I want within my restrictions. I guess if I needed help in fully letting go of my anxious need to track my food, than this is it!
  • I haven't had a single tummy ache since I started this diet, which is amazing. I've had tummy issues for 18 years now, at times severe, and I thought I was going to have to live with them forever.
  • My digestive process is quickly straightening itself out, which is also blowing my mind a bit.
  • My face is starting to clear up.
  • I'm never, ever hungry.
  • I'm dropping weight. (Yep, I'm weighing myself. I have to admit that I'm curious.)
  • My husband and children are being super-supportive, which means the world to me
  • Also helpful is the fact that when I sat down to talk to my parents about all of this on Halloween my dad completely got it.

So there you have it. One week down, a whole bunch more to go! I promise I won't do this every'd get old to me, too....but I've had so many questions and long conversations this week that I thought it might just make things easier if I wrote it all out.


Shelda said…
Glad to hear how you're doing! It's a big change, and it makes sense to me that you might want to talk about it from time to time!

I just printed Elektra. Boy, that's a pretty shawl!
Paula said…
I hope you are over the worst of the transition!
Leciawp said…
I'm sorry you're having to go through all this. I really hope the end result will make it seem worthwhile...

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