Some Things That Have Made Me Happy This Week

1. Finishing another shawl.
2. The unblocked texture on the back side. It just makes me smile!
3. The perfect marriage between yarn and beads.
4. A powerful amulet.
5. Finally hanging some of the Princess's artwork. This one is just under the mantle.
6. This piece is my favorite.
7. Her sun oddly compliments the ancient piece of quilling and dried flowers that one of my greats made years ago...a recent gift from Mom.
8. Locally made micro-batch chocolate. It's the best in the world. Period.
9. My cold brew coffee system.
10. And the rich, dark, very strong brew it makes.
11. Continued good health for my 17 year old cat, who's been on insulin for 6.5 years now.
He's either bionic or a miracle of vet medicine. 12. Every moment with my ancient dog...who's sadly starting to show her age.
13. The most perfectly clean and organized Princess room EVER - and a child who actually worked very hard to get it that way.
14. Cooperation.
15. Playing nicely together.


Leciawp said…
The room is FABULOUS - WOW!! You may have inspired me to tackle the boys' room next week - it is an embarrassment. I'm surprised we haven't had rats infest it or something :) And yay for playing nicely and everything on your list - so glad you've had such a week. xo
Anne P said…
VERY good week. I'll order one just like that for myself, please.

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