Le Tour De Fleece Wrap Up

As a quick reminder, my goals for Le Tour De Fleece can be found here.

So did I win my Yellow Jersey?

Yes I did!

My stage results:

  1. I easily managed some spinning every day. My husband laughed a couple of times at how little spinning I felt was necessary to fulfill this goal on crazy, busy days (phoning it in, dear?), but he was missing the point. I was not out to spin for a set amount of time each day, but rather to work a daily spinning habit into my life. At that I succeeded quite well. In fact, I rather enjoy that my spinning is now sitting out and is available for any odd moments that I may find. And, as a huge bonus, my hands appreciate the fact that I'm no longer focusing on any one particular craft for an entire day!

  2. My Angel x2 now fills my seven bobbins. Really, this fiber was so well prepared that it practically spun itself. It almost feels like cheating... My hope is that I will have the time this winter to knit all of this yarn up into something absolutely decadent!

  3. My third goal was to fill my spindle, and this is the one goal that I had to reassess during Le Tour. As I've stated, I just had no idea of how long it would take to fill the bobbin. Of the 3 oz. of fiber I started out with, I've only spun about .75 oz despite all of my efforts, and the spindle doesn't look a whole lot different than it did during it's last photo shoot. Granted, if I weren't so ridiculously fond of spinning so fine it might be done by now....but then I'm very satisfied with where this yarn is going. Plus, I am really enjoying the slow pace and the absolute focus that my spindle requires. It's good for me!

  4. When I first made my goals, I had no idea that Angel would fill all of my bobbins. Now, I know there are many ways to wind yarn off of bobbins so that you can keep spinning. I've even heard of some spinners who never own more than the bobbins their spinning wheels came with! (Sounds nuts to me...) I am not one of these people as I prefer to leave the singles on the bobbins until I am ready to help them find their destiny. Which means that none of the blue merino has actually been spun because there is currently nothing to spin it on. HOWEVER, I did predraft it, so it's ready to go. I'm counting this as a win!

So thank you Le Tour De Fleece for the opportunity to overhaul my spinning habits. I have really enjoyed being a part of this community, and I am very happy with the results of my own personal goals!


Bonnie said…
Congrats on meeting your goals and winning the jersey!

I love that photo of your cat using the folded shawl as a pillow.
Lenny said…
Congratulations on finishing the Tour! The yarn on your spindle is simply beautiful - no matter how long it takes to spin :-)

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