A Little Bit of Winter Joy

The Green Woman and I took ourselves to Lowe's Sunday afternoon to spend some time perusing the greenhouse. We had decided that we needed some green in the house, and that perhaps some new plants would help us to shake off the winter blahs. Instead of several potted plants, we came home with this lovely Phalaenopsis Orchid. As I was paying for it, I remarked to the cashier that I used to always buy one around this time of year to cheer myself up. Funny, but I had forgotten that. (My husband hadn't forgotten. He made a comment about it as soon as I got home.) She's exactly what we needed, and we are basking in her beauty. It's rather hard to be blue when you have a little bit of sunshine sitting next to you!


Shelda said…
Thanks for the reminder! I usually buy an orchid about this time, and I'd forgotten too. Lovely!
Leciawp said…
Perfect! How wise you are, to find a way to bring winter joy into your life.
margene said…
I just thinking I need a bunch of tulips to get me through February.

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