
I absolutely adore knitting circles. In fact, my BKB and my Knitting Guru both tease me about my love for knitting circular shawls. If either one of them finds a new pattern before I do, there's bound to be a wink and a nudge as they share it with me.

My favorite part? I love watching the circle grow from just a few stitches as it expands outward - needing ever bigger needles. I'm easily delighted with the beauty of the piece as it stretches out over the needles.
When I was in college, I had a fascination with dream catchers, partially because a good friend gifted me with one. (Quality sleep has been elusive since middle school, and my dreams were tough back then.) Later, a social worker at the girls' home where I worked as a fundraiser introduced me to the idea of a mandala. Perhaps because of these, circular knitting holds a fair amount of mystery and magic for me.

Last fall, I made the Firmaments Lace Shawl, which was designed by Bonnie Sennott. (Bonnie just so happens to be the sister of one of my guild friends.) It's a beautiful design, and I was particularly pleased with it when it was finished.
Much as I loved it, though, I knew it was not destined to live with me. (Do your finished projects speak to you? Mine do. Often they tell me where they need to go - even if they live here for a while.) Instead, I carefully wrapped it up and gave it to my brother's girlfriend as a birthday/Christmas gift. She's one of my favorite people to gift with handknits, and as soon as I saw her draped in that shawl I knew that it had come home.
But I did really, really love that pattern, and I wanted one for myself. And so, when my next webs order came up I happily added the yarn to my purchase....and then cast on as soon as it arrived.

I'm a happy knitter.

Of course, the real reason why I made that order was that I had fallen completely in love with the Botanica Medallion Cardigan on the cover of the current Vogue Knitting. The Green Woman and I have to's just another excuse to knit circles!


Bonnie said…
I love the spring green color of your new Firmaments. Also, the lovely soft grey of your Botanica Medallion. Isn't that cover of Vogue striking? Can't wait to see yours!
Leciawp said…
I love this green color!!
Angela said…
beautiful spring green for your new project. great color choice!

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