I'm Trying To Be Good

One of the benefits of having reduced one's stash to a very small amount (2 bins under the bed for random stash and 2 baskets to hold the yarn for current projects and the few things planned for the immediate future.) is that one is left with only the things one truly loves.

The problem with this is that when you truly LOVE your yarn, you want to work with it NOW.

The siren song of startitis has been strong today.

So far, I am resisting....but my strength is waning. If the Green Woman gets her way, there will be some sort of shawl or scarf or stole made of Claudia Fingering Weight on the needles by nightfall.

Or maybe a pair of socks.

Or maybe a second sweater for myself.



Shannon said…
Be strong! I LOVE your new red hair by the way. I am jealous, can't pull red off.

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