The Rules
This is the most recent picture of the blanket. It's actually grown since it was taken.
- There are no hard and fast rules for the scrapbook blanket.
- The blanket is only to be worked on when the mood hits, and there are no deadlines or timetables. (In other words, it is not to be forced!)
- Collect as many scrap yarns from friends as possible.
- Each and every person who contributes to the blanket is to be acknowledged in the blog.
- New yarns jump to the front of the line and are immediately added into the blanket.
- Attempt to work through each yarn in the basket once before reusing a yarn. (This is admittedly becoming more difficult as the number of different yarns grows.)
- Use every color available/given except for white and black.
- Be open to using white and black if the mood hits.
- Color placement is to be as random as possible.
- Larger squares are also to be as random as possible
- When I find myself fussing a bit too much over color placement and/or the placement of the larger squares, it's time to put the blanket away for a while.
- The process of knitting this blanket is to be are the memories and friends present in each and every square.
- By its nature, this is a slow project, and that slowness is a gift to be enjoyed and appreciated.