Good News!

My husband ordered a new power cord for my computer on Friday, so hopefully it will be here soon! That should fix the problem, and I will be able to resume normal posting at that point.

In the meantime, I am saving up several post ideas to share with you just as soon as I can regain access to my photos. (I don't want to clutter up my husband's computer with my crafting photos!) Included in upcoming posts will be:

  1. My birthday celebration - which was fantastic!
  2. The Green Woman has found a few ways to move in my life again.
  3. My brilliant Christmas idea
  4. and the Christmas crafting I did this year
  5. The birthday yarn...yum
  6. Ideas for the 12 sweaters I will be knitting next year
  7. Lots of Christmas cheer!


margene said…
Looking forward to it!

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