Fancy Socks
So I lied.
I tried my socks on again a few days ago and found that the twisted toe wasn't near as bad as I thought, and that the size was perfect after all. While normally I would never leave any sort of imperfection if I had the power to fix it....this time I decided that it wasn't worth the effort. After all, they will be on my feet and quite frankly no one will ever be close enough to notice.
And so I recruited the Princess for a photo shoot this afternoon. She did pretty good!
Needles: 2.25 mm Harmony by Knit Picks
Yarn: Dream in Color Starry purchased at Hillcreek Yarn Shoppe. I don't remember the colorway, and am simply too tired to dig it up tonight.
Time to Knit: July 29- Sept. 20, 2009
Comments: I really did enjoy making these socks, and I think the yarn is gorgeous. I did make a couple of slight alterations - adding a couple of extra stitches in the ribbing that falls on the back of the leg and in the foot so that it would fit better. My only complaint is that the starry part of the yarn is completely wasted on socks. The tight gauge swallows up the silver strand, and you barely see it at all. If I buy more of this yarn it will most likely become a scarf or a shawl.
So there you have it, I CAN knit fancy socks!
Now back to the plain ones.
I didn't manage to even cast on last night for our KAL. Maybe tonight will be better.