It occurred to me yesterday - as I was catching up my Ravelry page - that I hadn't ever shared with you my lovely Old Shale Triangle. Why? I simply forgot to take pictures of the finished shawlette. I'm guessing that happened because it disappeared into my shawl drawer when I cleaned said drawer out this summer.
I'm actually quite fond of this little piece. Knit from June 24 - July 3, my Old Shale quite effectively used up some leftover handspun merino. (The yarn was originally spun for a pair of mittens that I gave my Grandmother for Christmas 2 years ago. It was my first official knit project with handspun.) I found the pattern - by Evelyn Clark - in the Summer 2008 issue of Spin Off, and had fallen in love with it's simplicity and versatility. For some reason, I just feel that handspun often calls for a simpler pattern so that the yarn itself becomes the focus.
I quickly discovered during my photo session that this color was going to be difficult, and so before I show you the finished piece here's a color-accurate picture of the work in process. I'm not much of a red person, which is why this particular red - with strong blue undertones - appealed to me in the first place. What I can't share with you is how delightfully soft the yarn was!
The beauty of this pattern is that I knit until I ran out of yarn. The finished piece is just big enough to work as a scarf - preferably with a pretty shawl pin.
I could have blocked it for a bigger scarf/shawl....but I chose not to because I really liked the feel and texture when it came off of the needles. I think it was the right choice, and I do love my Old Shale just as is.
As I said, it was VERY tough to capture the color. The first two pictures of the finished Triangle are color corrected to the best of my (limited) abilities. Just for fun, I thought I would also throw in this last picture that hasn't been retouched in any way possible. This way when I gripe about my camera you'll know why!
I'm actually quite fond of this little piece. Knit from June 24 - July 3, my Old Shale quite effectively used up some leftover handspun merino. (The yarn was originally spun for a pair of mittens that I gave my Grandmother for Christmas 2 years ago. It was my first official knit project with handspun.) I found the pattern - by Evelyn Clark - in the Summer 2008 issue of Spin Off, and had fallen in love with it's simplicity and versatility. For some reason, I just feel that handspun often calls for a simpler pattern so that the yarn itself becomes the focus.
And stop humming right now.
And stop humming!
Thank you for the comment on my blog. It really is the season for warm woolens, isn't it?