I Had Cookies For Breakfast
Then I took some pictures - which I will share with you tomorrow.
Then a friend called, and I spent a fair amount of time on the phone having an in depth conversation about knitting and audio books.
It was such a nice day that we all went outside for a couple of hours.
The girls were very excited about the leaves.
I don't remember enjoying raking when I was a kid....
But hey, what do I know?
And anyway, they were fun to watch. The raking was followed by an old fashioned jump into the leaf pile and then lots of games.
While we were outside, I started a new shawl.
When we came in, I contemplated working on my lace piece....but it was just too fussy for today.
So instead I rewound a couple of skeins of yarn that I had wound way to tight a few days ago.
I briefly contemplated a nap with my cat....but as I didn't get out of bed until 9:30 this morning I felt that I probably shouldn't. (Saturdays have been my day to sleep in since the Princess was about six months old. It's a wonderful luxury!)
I wanted to spin, but rather than start something new I decided to go ahead and finish up an old project.
Plying the alpaca silk singles was not much more fun than spinning them was, but at least it's done and I can move on with a fresh heart.
My cat - who often sides with the Green Woman - felt that it was only fair that I choose my next spinning project.
It wasn't difficult at all to select this lovely merino in the 'Sandalwood' colorway.
We've just finished dinner and are now in the midst of bath time for the girls. Afterwords I imagine I'll either settle in to the Saturday night Scy Fy movie or I'll crawl into bed with a few podcasts and my knitting. I'll end the day with a book in my hand and my heated rice bag tucked nicely under my feet.
We've just finished dinner and are now in the midst of bath time for the girls. Afterwords I imagine I'll either settle in to the Saturday night Scy Fy movie or I'll crawl into bed with a few podcasts and my knitting. I'll end the day with a book in my hand and my heated rice bag tucked nicely under my feet.
It may not have been some people's idea of 'pleasure,' but for me it was. In fact, it was just about a perfect day.
I also don't remember raking as a kid, but mine love it too.
And thanks for all the urls you sent! It's fun to find out more things we share.