The BSJ Brigade
I'm back! And I'm almost fully well! (Dratted nose...)
Please believe me when I say that this last week has been rather trying. I am very much looking forward to a return to normal in the next few days....I've missed my gym, my friends, sleeping in my own bed, being able to taste food......
The good news is that I've not been entirely unproductive this week. I was able to get considerable work done on a few projects, and am happy to report that I'm almost to the end of the 'production' knitting phase that's been so trying to the Green Woman.
In particular, I finished up most of the baby gifts this week! (I'm still looking for the perfect buttons for the lime BSJ's...) I'm unbelievably relieved to be finished, much as I love all of these wee ones and their mamas!
This sweet little BSJ was sent out in the mail to baby Hazel last Tuesday. Hazel's mom has the distinction of being one of the only two non-relatives to survive being my roommate (and I know I'm not fun to live with!), and was a very dear friend during college.
As with all of the baby gifts this summer, it's made from Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino. You may recognize my favorite pink from earlier pieces this summer.
I'm fond of 'go-with's', and so I also made Hazel a pair of Saartje's Booties. They've been around for a while, but this was my very first pair. I must say, they are awfully quick, easy and adorable!
Aren't they adorable together! I'm not sure when I'll get to meet Baby Hazel, but I'm glad I was able to send her a little bit of love to welcome her into the world.
Which left me with one last little BSJ - for a baby due (I believe) any day now! This time I decided to just randomly throw in stripes of my favorite three colors - changing whenever the mood struck.
I'm quite happy to say that it quickly became one of my favorites!
Because I'm on a tight deadline with another project I must do this week, I'm probably not going to add any booties or a hat to this gift. Instead, I'm going to add a wee surprise - one of my favorite handmade gifts to buy.
Please believe me when I say that this last week has been rather trying. I am very much looking forward to a return to normal in the next few days....I've missed my gym, my friends, sleeping in my own bed, being able to taste food......
The good news is that I've not been entirely unproductive this week. I was able to get considerable work done on a few projects, and am happy to report that I'm almost to the end of the 'production' knitting phase that's been so trying to the Green Woman.
In particular, I finished up most of the baby gifts this week! (I'm still looking for the perfect buttons for the lime BSJ's...) I'm unbelievably relieved to be finished, much as I love all of these wee ones and their mamas!
Next up....well let's just say the Green Woman is going to be very, VERY happy.
Bikrgran (Rav & Blogger)