The Monday List
The good news is that I did a great job with last week's list! My P.E.O. meeting was a great success, the lime BSJ sets are going in the mail this morning, the designer project was shipped off on time and I did get a haircut! (We tried for flu shots, but were apparently a day late as our doctor's office had just run out following shortage announcements a few days earlier by the health department. My husband and I have since decided to skip the seasonal flu shot for the kids and I this year. I have mixed feelings about it anyway....but that's not a discussion for this blog!) I also worked a bunch on a beaded lace project and I traced the embroidery design. Both of those were very good things.
The bad news is that by Wed. I was feeling rather drained. It's pretty sad when even the Green Woman can't muster up any interest in any projects! In an odd attempt to perk myself up, I found myself perusing the yarn shop, looking for a mystery project in rustic wool and garter stitch. I would like to point out that this was about as effective as my husband's occasional cravings for 'cartoon food.'
SO, I did what I always do....on Friday I cleaned my bedroom (where all of my craft things must live) and on Saturday I did a full stash overhaul. The process of emptying my bins and baskets, rearranging my yarn, examining my project list and rematching up yarn and patterns always helps to clear out my creative cobwebs. It took the entire day, but it was well worth it.
Which means that I am ready and willing to write down my list for the week!
- The girls' rooms need to be overhauled - in part because my grandmother bought a new dresser for the Princess and it will be arriving soon. Ack!
- Start on my embroidery project. I don't want this to become one of those projects where I wind up buying the materials and then letting it sit forever. Besides, I have an actual use for the finished project!
- Spin something....anything! My wheel has been sorely neglected! So have my spindles! It might be contributing to some recent crazy....
- Plan out Christmas, and then get started on any Christmas projects.
- Catch up on photos for Ravelry. I am missing more than I thought.
- Two FO posts - which won't take long. I'll probably write them today and schedule publishing for later in the week.
- Knit something ambiguous, but necessary goal.
- I need to finish up the girls' Halloween costumes. It's not going to take long - just hems and a small tweak to the Pixie's dress.
- Sew up some more project bags. I already have the pieces cut, and I'm starting to want them!
- Likewise, get to work on the quilt.
- I'm still thinking that I need a hat...and as I'm absolutely in love with a specific pattern it's just a matter of determining whether or not I can use stash yarn for it. I really, really don't want to have to buy anything right now!
- Figure out what to do about the fact that my knitting bookshelf is overflowing. There's now a foot-high pile on the floor of things that don't fit....whoops.
- Yes, thinking about the journal really does take this long. My husband has suggested the Internet. That scares me because it really is a tactile decision (and an emotional/logical one as well).
- Order the yarn for the Princess shawl.
*Before I get any comments about my crazy list, I would like to point out that while there are many goals, none of them require specific details about what is to be accomplished. I could literally spend 5-10 min. on most and be done! I'm not crazy, but I do feel a need for variety!
How about trying out the internet for journaling, just as a trial?