A Sigh Of Relief

As of last night, I am no longer the president of my P.E.O. chapter. It's been a wonderful two years...but I would be lying if I didn't admit that I'm tired, and was very ready to pass the reigns along to the next president. As soon as I put my year-end report in the mail this morning, I will be officially done, and then....well then I think I'm going to take a little P.E.O. vacation for the rest of the month! (Although I had three emails this morning already from the new president, with something like 12 questions divided among them...)

The last few weeks have been incredibly stressful - with my week as single parent, my daughter's party, all of my P.E.O. duties and a multitude of other, random responsibilities that seem to have cropped up from nowhere. Add on top of that the fact that we're seriously considering some much-needed home improvements...

At any rate, I just wanted to let you know that there is a reason why crafty business has been slow around here lately. I'm planning a post this weekend to describe my general state of being right now...and then hopefully we can get back to creative life as normal!


Hang in there! Spring is almost here!
margene said…
You are one busy woman and it sounds like you'll be staying busy even without P.E.O. Take care of yourself!
Leciawp said…
I'm glad to hear your load is lightening...hope you had a nice weekend! xo

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