My Little Slice of Heaven

The Green Woman and I completely agreed on the simple fact that I needed a bit of a break today. It's been an extremely productive week, but as The Green Woman reminded me, all work and no play.... And so, this morning she led the Pixie off to play quietly in her room with books and puzzles while I sat down at my kitchen table to enjoy a good mug of coffee, my knitting and some podcasts. Good fun.

The Green Woman would also like to point out that she convinced me to treat myself yesterday with these gorgeous mini-roses from the grocery store. Oddly, pink is not a color I usually go for, but we just couldn't pass up this particular bunch. There's just something so luxurious about a vase of roses, and they make me smile every time I see them.
Yes, this morning has been just about as perfect as can be!


Leciawp said…
It looks perfect - good for you!!
margene said…
You're so smart to take a day for yourself and your space looks lovely!
fleegle said…
Good for the Green Woman. And Harry was nuts to begin with, so nothing much has changed :)

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