The Monday List
To review:
1. The Princess's costume was indeed finished - much to the delight of a very happy girl.
2. Tudor Grace was finished, MS4 received some attention and I even figured out my gauge issues on the Pixie's sleeves. (Turns out I recorded the wrong needle size on my Ravelry page. tsk..tsk...)
3. & 4. Measurements were taken and the Christmas list was hashed out.
5, 6 & 7 Last week was - as suspected - a horrible week for healthy living practices. Ugh.
8. The house was cleaned, and in the surprise event of the week Princess got into the act on her own - spending two hours Thursday night happily cleaning her room. We were stunned.
9. My journal goals slipped along with the other healthy living things. Quite frankly, there was so much turmoil over our topsy-turvey schedule last week that it's no wonder.
10. I did have a very fun week!
Without Further Ado....
My goals for this week are:
1. To finish Pixie's sweater. I really want to get this done so that I can move on to other projects! It's the one thing in my workbasket that makes me feel a bit guilty for not finishing it sooner.
2. To also finish MS4. To be honest, I'm not so crazy about the design. I love various elements from it...but I think all together it's a bit of a hot mess. I'm trying to reserve judgement until it is finished...but I think this one may wind up in my fall PEO auction as did MS3. Note to NOT sign up next year!
3. The month of November is going to be all about my husband's sweater. I need to make one big decision (Is the yarn I bought truly appropriate for the pattern he picked?) and then I need to get to work swatching. Best case scenario, it's done by the end of the month so that I can work on smaller Christmas knits in December.
4. Having just listed 3 'must' goals for knitting, I think I also want to cast on this week for something fun. I have a few ideas, so look for a post on that later this week.
5. I seriously have to get my sleep schedule back on track this week. I know what works, and now that our schedule is back on track there are no more excuses.
6. Likewise, it's back to cleaning up my food intake. I've literally been sick for the last 5 days because of the rich foods I've been eating and the excess sugar. I want to feel good again, and I know that is only going to happen if I stick with clean, whole foods which are as close to the earth as possible. As much as I hate to say it - having been raised on a beef farm - I think the meat is going to have to go too. It's triggering almost as much of a nasty reaction as sugar is.
7. I've already got a jump start to this next one. I plan on doing my Sun Salutations every morning and I'm also going to take a 30 minute walk every day.
8. I really need to get all of my digital photos off of my hard drive. I've been looking at Snapfish and Shutterfly as possible sources for both storage and printing. (Any comments appreciated!) At the very least, I need to upload everything to my Flicr account. My husband backs up all of our family photos on multiple disks - but I need to have easier access to them. Plus, we've now had digital photos for 5 years - and haven't ever printed any of them out. That's right...we have virtually no candid shots of our children at all in this house. I really want to fix that.
9. I feel that it's time to start getting serious about learning how to draw. Hmmm....
10. Daily to-do lists and gratitude lists are the key to me getting things done and maintaining a positive attitude! I want to be sure these are a firm part of my daily journaling habits. Also, I've already started to add in Cameron's exercises to my personal writing, and I think that's important work to keep up.
Have a great week!