The Monday List
The recap:
1. Pixie's sweater wasn't finished, but I did get the gauge problem figured out and am at long last moving forward on it again.
2. MS4 is in shreds, and I couldn't be happier. Rarely have I been more annoyed with a project, and I know I made the right decision.
3. I did a swatch and steek test yesterday on the yarn for my husband's sweater, and yes it will work just fine. I thought I had decided upon a needle size, but now I'm not so sure.
4. I started something new and fun! It involves Nancy Bush's new book, chocolate colored Claudia Hand Paint fingering yarn and beautiful blue beads. More soon, I promise!
5. Yes, my sleep schedule is much improved - although it could be better yet. I'm finding that I really suffer when I stray outside of the schedule - as I did twice last week. (election and my meeting) In addition to just getting to bed on time, we also rotated the mattress yesterday as we know it's starting to fail. After one night, I can already tell that it helped.
6. I'm still struggling with food, but in all honesty I think I did something better this week by starting to rebuild my wardrobe. My biggest struggle is not with my size, but with self-confidence and self-esteem, and I feel miles better today than I did at this time last week.
7. I got the Sun Salutations in, but not the walks. I think it's officially time to revamp the exercise plan to include more indoor activities. It's just too chilly to walk with the Pixie, and it gets dark too early to walk after school. (Plus, Princess really needs me then.)
8. & 9. No movement on either the photos or the drawing yet.
10. Journaling is going a-ok!
This week's list:
1. PIXIE'S SWEATER!!!!!! I think I've just lost interest in this one. Let that be a lesson to myself...I should never again let a project sit for so long.
2. Speaking of projects that have sat for too long...I really want to get back to work on my Forest Path stole. In all honesty, I think it's really boring to knit and I don't particularly care for entrelac. BUT, this is a stole that I very badly want to own and wear. I think I can easily manage one square/day. Really, I have a reason for wanting all lace projects to be finished by the start of the year...and this is one that I do NOT want to frog.
3. Now that I've decided that the yarn I purchased for my husband is appropriate, I need to go ahead and do a swatch cap. My next decision, though, is whether or not to use the cables that Zimmermann included in the original pattern instructions. I do, after all, have a whole shelf full of stitch guides and could pick something different.
4. I'm already excited about Christmas. I can't help it...I just love this time of year! Yesterday I began my official Christmas knitting - which isn't really as big of a list as you'd think. If I do one small project/week than I'll easily accomplish everything on my list. This week I want to get the Princess's hat done.
5. The photos have to be moved. I just can't delay this one any longer!
6. I started spinning 5.2 oz. of an alpaca-Shetland roving this weekend, and would like to finish it up this week. I also have some reasons for wanting to finish up as much spinning as possible by the end of December.
7. I have company coming Wednesday afternoon to teach me something important. I need to clean the house in preparation. (And I'll ask her at that point if I'm allowed to write about what I'll be doing!)
8. As far as health concerns go, my goal this week is to let go and just not worry about it. The healthiest, happiest people I know are the ones who never worry about it...and so I need to stop fussing too.
I think that's enough for now. The girls and are going to be leaving Thursday evening for a long weekend with my parents, and I also have a whole bunch of errands to run this week. It's definitly going to be busy, and I don't want to set myself up for failure!
Happy Monday Everyone!