The Monday List
Last Week:
1. & 2. Ripples In Time and Forest Path moved slowly...but they did move forward.
3. There was no time to pick out cables or do a swatch cap for my husband's sweater.
4. One Christmas project is finished!
5. The photos were not moved. Sigh.
6. I did finish spinning that roving up into one happy bobbin of singles.
7. The house is spotless - or at least it was for my meeting.
Moving on to this week:
1. One of the most important things I need to do this week is to rebuild my exercise schedule. A combination of colds, weather, daylight savings, the needs of a kindergartner and laziness have all but destroyed the momentum I had. In the last week or so I've started to notice many of the signs that my lifestyle needs overhauled, so it's time to get to work.
2. Likewise, I need to continue on with my work in The Writing Diet. While a large part of me recognizes the fact that the healthiest/happiest people I know are the ones who don't ever fuss or worry about their size (or anything to do with lifestyle, really), I know I have a lot of work that I need to do before I can get to that point. (A trip home always brings up a lot of junk, for example.)
3. You would think that I would have no trouble with my morning routine - especially given how important I feel it is. Unfortunately, our entire family has been hit with the cold weather lazies, and the girls and I have been struggling to get out of bed lately. This week I want to reclaim my quiet morning time for journaling, yoga, tea and peace.
4. I'm on to my second Christmas gift this week - a second Sunflower Tam for the Pixie!
5. In the 'slow but steady wins the race' category, I will be continuing on with one square/day of the Forest Path Stole.
6. Likewise, I'm going to do a little bit of work each day on Ripples In Time. Even 30 minutes/day would be enough to finish it up in a week or so!
7. It's not at all fun, but I do have a huge 'to-do' list of general stuff that needs to happen before the holidays start. I really want to make a dent this week so that we can relax and have fun over the holidays. At this point, I'm moving the photos to this list as well as the complete pantry clean-out I've been needing for weeks.
8. Likewise, I have to buy pants this week. Sounds silly to add to this list, but I might squirrel out of it if I don't make it public. I literally only have one pair of jeans - and they are falling apart.
9. I would like to ply the Shetland/Alpaca I spun up last week, and as I know exactly how I want to do that, I have no excuses. I'll go a step further, and say that I have my next spinning project ready to go as a reward should I finish this!
10. My husband's Christmas sweater really has to be cast on this week if I have any chance of finishing it!
Have a great week everyone!