The Monday List
Yarn: Opal Rainforest, Tiger (Thanks Shelda!)
Needles: 2.25 mm bamboo DPN's, probably Crystal Palace
Pattern: Ann Budd's basic sock pattern from the Knitter's Handy Book of Patterns.
Knitting: August 11 - 31, 2009
Details: Altered the length a bit. It's now an 80 stitch sock, with 80 rows in the leg and 60 in the foot. The husband reports that he's very happy.
And now, for the list...
Last week was a much better week than we expected it to be. Remember when I said that my first priority was to survive the first week of school? I wasn't kidding. Last year our first week of school was rather difficult, and by the time it ended we were all completely exhausted. (Despite our stellar experiences last year with a teacher who is arguably the best kindergarten teacher on the planet, I remain convinced that full-day kindergarten is criminal.) Fortunately, this year has been much easier! It was a long, and sometimes difficult week, but all in all it was a much easier transition.
As for the rest of the list, I managed to catch up this blog with my current projects and I finished the aforementioned socks. The rest...well, I'd rather have a calm, happy first week of school!
So let's start fresh this week!
- Socks for the girls...and I can't say that enough! They are both clamoring for new socks!
- Spin a bit each day. It's fun, and it's good for the soul.
- 10 min. per day on my cardi.
- 10 min. per day on a WIP shawl.
- Begin my retrospective on my creative life.
- Finish decluttering our bedroom/closet. Seriously.
- Recommence Morning Pages.
- Finish another project.
- Work on repair basket.
- Plan Christmas gifts. You laugh, but I worked retail for years and I LOVE finishing by Halloween.
- Some lace....I keep thinking about it, but nothing has been happening.
- Write a letter. It sounds fun...I just don't know who I'd write one too.
- Organize our photos, which are a nightmare of epic proportions.
Have a great week!
May I ask how you do the Morning Pages?
Love those Tiger socks! I am in the middle of knitting some socks with Opal yarn - I have never used it before (I usually use handspun or Brown Sheep yarns for socks), but I was given a skein and so far I like knitting with it.
Hope the transition back to the school year continues to be smooth and enjoyable for you guys.