My Fall Tradition
I looked out my kitchen window today and saw this in the neighbor's yard.
Which explains my current fascination with sock knitting.
You see, when I first set up my Ravelry account I noticed something interesting. As I entered in all of my past projects, I noticed a definite trend with my socks. Generally speaking, I break out the DPNs sometime in August and carry on through the fall. I think that I am, perhaps, in a nesting phase at that time of year, preparing my family for the cold days to come.
Yesterday I showed you the socks that I have in progress. Before my personal sock knitting season ends (usually by the end of October) I will most likely finish quite a few pair. Here are some of my options -
Next up in my sock queue are socks for the girls. These are quick and easy, and really don't take but a few days per pair. As socks are actually the ONLY handknits that I'll pass down from Princess to Pixie, I generally make two pair for the Princess but only one for the Pixie. Both love having handknit socks, though, so if I have time - and the interest - I'll try to make more. After all, the leftover basket of sock yarn works PERFECTLY for children's socks.
This pile of black and gold is destined to be MU socks for my Dad and my husband. It's been plaguing me for years, and I'm not really looking forward to using it. All the more reason to hurry up and use it up.
My husband's old socks are actually on the critical list, so I'm going to shoot for three new pair for him this year. I'm also going to try to convince him to let me teach him how to make socks. After all, I taught a highly successful sock class at my LYS!
Then there's the sock yarn for myself. This is by no means the full stash - only the ones that have been calling to me. Surprisingly enough, I have patterns picked out for all four skeins across the bottom and possibly one or two of the others. As a tried and true 'plain vanilla' sock knitter, we shall see if I actually get around to using those patterns. (The rest of the family is definitely getting plain socks!) Change is good, though, and it would be nice to step outside of my comfort zone for a time.
You see, when I first set up my Ravelry account I noticed something interesting. As I entered in all of my past projects, I noticed a definite trend with my socks. Generally speaking, I break out the DPNs sometime in August and carry on through the fall. I think that I am, perhaps, in a nesting phase at that time of year, preparing my family for the cold days to come.
Yesterday I showed you the socks that I have in progress. Before my personal sock knitting season ends (usually by the end of October) I will most likely finish quite a few pair. Here are some of my options -
And that's it!
Now I have to go work on my husband's Tiger Socks...