The Monday List
First up, our review of last week:
- I was quite successful with the Must-Do list. The only thing I didn't do was to work on organizing the storage area - but that's because I bought that second batch of yarn before I came home last Tuesday and was able to get started on the baby gift a lot sooner than expected. Yay!
- On the Want-To-Do list, I only managed a haircut this week...although that in and of itself was pretty important given how ragged I was starting to look. Again, the baby gift dominated my time.
- The Wishes went up in smoke....which is just fine!
And so, for this week:
The Must-Do's:
- Come up with better names for my three categories on my Monday Lists.
- Take the girls to the library to sign up for summer reading. Yay! This is one of MY favorite things about summer - and it should be really exciting this year with the Princess reading on her own.
- Prepare my Convention Report for Thursday. I was a tad disorganized last year, and I would like it to be better this time around.
- Finish a knitting project - doesn't matter which one, I just want to finish something. As I've said, it's bothered me more and more lately to have more than 3ish projects on the needles at a time, and I have projects I'd like to start!
- Spin! I have a collaborative project that I seriously need to get to work on.
- Which reminds me...I finished my BKB's birthday gift a while back, and I really need to give it to her this week!
- Get myself back on my healthy lifestyle schedule. I let it slip last week as I was 'on vacation.'
- Speaking of which, I have to reschedule my acupuncture appointment. Whoops.
- Also speaking of which, I need to do something about my running shoes as mine are clearly approaching the end. Problem is, no one here in town carries wide widths (I measure a 6.5 E - a near impossibility), and so I either risk the local place ordering something, or I go to St. Louis. Sigh.
The Want To Do's:
- Do my second swatch for the Princess.
- Play with my watercolor pencils and my colored pencils. They appeal to me in a way that no other art supplies do at this point, and I need to figure out what they can do and what I can do with them.
- Clean and organize my bedroom so the redecorating can begin!
- Clean and organize the girls' bedrooms so that they don't make me nuts.
- Write a letter....don't know to whom, exactly, but it is a good way to ease back into writing.
- Read lots. I have been lately, and I had forgotten how much I enjoyed it. That's a silly statement given that I grew up constantly getting into trouble for reading too much (to the detriment of almost everything else) but I had.
The Wishes:
- Phone calls to dance studios have been downgraded because I'm just not quite ready yet. However, I do want to make sure to keep them in mind.
- My quilt pieces come to's about time to start working on that.
- Organize the basement....Ha!
- Use my seed beads. I'm in full magpie mode right now, and I find myself returning to my bead box repeatedly to play with my shiny things.
Why not order your shoes from Zappos - the shipping is free, and they usually arrive in a couple of days. I have wide feet too; new balance running shoes always work well for me.
Your Monday lists are rather long. Be sure to pick some of the fun projects as you work through the "chores"!