Today's Workbasket
Let's revisit the WIP's that I am working with.
First, I'm closing in on the end of my second Firmaments Lace Shawl. Weee! I've done about 12 repeats of the edging - with only 84 to go! I'm not in a hurry. This could take a little while. Except that I am in a hurry. I want to show it off at my next guild meeting - which is next week. Better get moving....
Languishing for way too long are my "Spring Is Coming" socks. They are just a plain, basic pair of socks...and I really need to finish them. I've started the heel flap for sock number two, which means that just a couple of days of focused knitting is all that I really need to finish them. Spring has sprung, and it's time to move on to another pair.
My Botanica Medallion Cardi is also moving very slowly. According to some admittedly not so scientific calculations, I have about 100 more repeats to do on the edging. This one is also going to take a while, and I'm really not in too much of a hurry with it. It is my NaKniSweMoDo fourth sweater, but if it doesn't get finished for this summer, than I'm fine with that.
What else? I desperately need to be working on a baby gift for a shower I'm attending in two weeks. I'm seriously dragging my heels because I'm just not in the mood to knit gifts and/or baby things. Plus, I have an idea for a pattern to use...but there are plenty of things wrong with that pattern and I don't know if I have the time or energy to rewrite it. I'm procrastinating because no matter what I do it won't be as perfect as I want it to be..... At any rate, I'm giving myself until the end of today to make a decision because it absolutely needs to be in progress by the end of the week at the latest.
The real problem - I'm ready to move on with some new projects, but don't feel like I can do that until these are finished up. I'm ready, though, for some new lace with some new yarn, a new cardigan out of the reclaimed yarn from my maternity sweater and perhaps some (gasp!) patterned socks. The siren song of these new projects is awfully hard to ignore. Hmmmm..... I sense the Green Woman is behind this....
I'm amazed at how fast you knit. Can you really finish that edging by next week? Good luck!
Just sayin'