The Monday List
1. Empty out the work in my finishing basket - which still includes both Forestry and the clogs that my husband knit for me. Neither one will take a lot of work, and I will feel much better about my knitting self once I get them done.
2. Over the last few months, I've been moving towards a place where I have fewer and fewer projects on the needles at once. (The Green Woman is a tad disgusted, but even she admits I'm more productive when I'm more focused.) I would like to eventually be the sort of knitter who has no more than two or three WIP's - perhaps a sweater, a pair of socks and some lace. To that end, this week I would like to try to finish up two more projects. I'm not going to be specific because you just never know which projects are going to draw your interest until you sit down with the workbasket....
3. My gorgeous Lendrum became very excited by my spinning/knitting program last Thursday, and is eagerly awaiting her next spinning project. She wants to play with my blue merino, and so this week I need to sit down and sample some of it so that I can figure out exactly how I want to spin it. Yipee!
4. Last week I began to read a new book on dieting and health. Now, I don't often read self-help or advice books because I think most of them are either junk or someone's idea of retooled common sense. However, this particular book - The Writing Diet: Write Yourself the Right-Size - is by Julia Cameron, the queen of creative development, and when I came across it during a random Amazon search, I was intrigued. My goal for this week is to start working through the exercises in the second half of the book.
5. The Princess and I need to get back to work on her room.
6. I've worked out my plan for the girls' Halloween Costumes, and I would like to have them finished by the end of the week. The Princess is going to be Sleeping Beauty, which will involve just a little bit of retooling on an old flower girl dress of hers. (We turned it into a Belle dress last year.) Pixie is going to be Tinkerbell, and I likewise will also be using the tutu I made her this summer. No store-bought costumes for us!
I think I'm going to leave this week's list a bit shorter than usual. I need to recoup from last week before I start pushing myself again!
Happy Monday!