The Pumpkin Patch
Without further ado, I present our family's sixth annual trip to Peach Tree Farm.
First we went on a hayride....
Where we showed some family love.
The girls then tested the old paddy wagon.
We thought this was a more appropriate seat for them.
Our Princess couldn't get enough of the hay maze.
Then we fed some goats.
Pixie was finally old enough to appreciate the fun.
Princess is an old pro.
I had to get in on the act. Couldn't help it...goats are cute!
The girls were fascinated by the photo cutouts.
We had to stop at every one of them.
Granted, my girls were a perfect subject...
Then we visited the pumpkin patches, where pumpkin sitting became the game of the day.
Until we found something more interesting to sit on.
It was finally time to pick out our pumpkins. Pixie was a bit overwhelmed.
Princess tried really hard to get us to take home one of the giants.
We ended up with a last quick visit to more livestock - pigs this time.
The girls were allowed to go sit with the bunnies, which could possibly have been the highlight of their day.
We love Peach Tree Farm.....
And we love these happy faces!