Inspiration Sunday
Inspiration Sunday is brought to you today by KID ART!
This is one of the few pieces of the Pixie's that we've managed to save. Generally, she just scrawls on scraps that aren't saved. We need to fix that.
This is my favorite Princess piece from last year. I LOVE the subtlety of the colors.
The Princess recently began adding words to her pictures - courtesy of the excellent literacy training she's receiving at school. I couldn't resist putting a whole installation of her work up on our wall.
Princess did a smaller series to help with the Halloween decorations. This is our favorite of that collection.
We see here detail from one of the pictures shown in the grouping above. I particularly love that the Dad say "Boo" and the little girl says "AAA!!!!"
More detail from the collection. I'm not sure what everything says in this one.
Art is just so natural for children, and here it is a part of our everyday life. I try to remind myself to be more like my girls - and just create for the joy of creation!