Progress Reports
I'm actually a tad surprised that I was able to make any progress at all this week. Last night I hosted a Special Meeting for my P.E.O. chapter, and I tend to get more than a bit nutty over the housecleaning whenever I host. The house always winds up in great turmoil for days and days. Add to that my first acupuncture appointment, a practice session for P.E.O., my monthly knitting study group with the guild and a morning babysitting one of the sweetest babies I know and you have a very busy week indeed!
Nevertheless, I have spun up about 8 oz. of my Angel x2 over the last two days, partially because I finally wised up as to the best way to handle these beautiful rovings. It occurred to me earlier this week that it would just be easier to unwind the whole thing at once instead of breaking off chunks as I go. (We just won't think about why it has taken me over a year to figure that one out....) The rovings are so beautifully prepared that I can spin quickly and continuously from the basket in whatever small moments I have available.
Sadly, I've not done much of the edging on my Firmaments Lace Shawl. I think I've only managed one or two repeats each day, and with a total of 95 needed I'm certainly not making much progress. In a way, my sudden reticence is a tribute to this shawl. When I love a project, I have a tendency to stall out at the very end. I am, after all, very much a process knitter. Lovely as they may be, finished shawls are not all that useful in the life of a stay at home Mom. Shawls on the needles, on the other hand, are a magical thing.
You have had a busy week!