It's a Problem...
Here is an average-sized 5-year-old child (and an awfully cute one!) for scale.
This is how the bag is supposed to look when full.
And this is how much stuff I had to take out of the bag in order to close it properly.
Where am I going with this?
Last night I was gently admonished by my acupuncturist for carrying a bag that was both too big and too heavy. She had commented last week, but was much more specific this week. It's quite simply too much weight to be putting on my neck, shoulders and back. (I can't even get the strap up on my shoulder most of the time because it's so full.) She's absolutely right, and in fact I have been considering a change for the last month or so. I'm thinking a much smaller backpack would be a better idea - or one of those funky new ergonomic bags.
Time to start looking!