Emily's Firmament
Valley Yarns 2/14 Alpaca Silk, 1 Cone - Olive
Addi Turbo - 3.25mm, 24 inch
June 23, 2008 - July 21, 2008
Finished Size: 46 inch diameter
Modifications: Absolutely None!
Notes: For the first time ever, I didn't come out quite right on the edging. Instead of trying to fix it, though, I fudged it. (The Green Woman doesn't know whether to laugh uproariously or fall over in a dead faint.) In order to make it work, on the last repeat of the edging, I simply did a few double joins instead of singles. While trying to figure out if there was an easily adjustable problem, I did find a place in the edging where I actually goofed. I left it in. (I really pushed the Green Woman over the edge with that one...)
About the pictures: The bed is queen sized (for reference). The last picture is of the shawl blocking on a white sheet - taken for the high contrast so that the pattern shows up well. The color is actually the most acurate in the pre-blocking photo from the preview posted earlier today.
I absolutely love this shawl! It will probably be gifted at some point - especially as I have a second color in mind for this pattern that I would prefer to keep for myself - but for now it is taking it's turn on the back of my husband's grandmother's rocking chair. It's a place of honor that only my favorite shawls get experience!
And I wound up with what is quite possible my favorite portrait of my daughter.