From My Knitting Guru
Of course, they are quite naturally a highly opinionated lot, and trying to manage the group is akin to herding a large group of cats. How I managed to wind up with that dubious job is still a bit of a mystery....
I digress.
I knew when I started my blanket project that I wanted to incorporate leftover yarn from as many guild friends as I could cajole into sending me their scraps. After all, not only are they friends....but they are also the knitters most responsible for the type of knitter I've become.
The batch of leftover sock yarn above was gifted to me last night by my friend Shelda. She's gone from being my personal knitting guru to a very good friend....albeit one who's really good at digging up new yarns and patterns to tempt me with. (We have a bit of a competition.....and I always consider it quite the coup if I find a new lace or sock pattern before she does....which I rarely manage.) As she is my partner in the crazy sock plan of 2011, it is only fitting that her yarn is now finding its way into my blanket.
Thank You Shelda!
PS. You most likely have figured this out by now....but yes, I do plan on posting pictures and a wee blurb about each friend who gives me yarn for the grand blanket. Not only will it help me to keep track of things, but it also gives me a chance to introduce you to some important people in my life!
I'm so pleased that you're happy with it. It feels great to pass it along and know it has a happy home. It was fun seeing all the little balls, and remembering the socks I'd knit.
You're a wonderful knitter, Kristin, and a good friend too. I really enjoyed our chat the other night. Other knitters are just necessary, you know? Nearly 11pm is way past my bedtime, but it was so good to just hang with another knitter for a bit. Thank you, Starbuck's!