Knitting News
As an aside - while I was doing all of this knitting, I was listening to "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" by Rebecca Skloot, downloaded free from my public library. Do not walk - RUN - to your nearest bookstore or library for a copy. Yes, it's that good.
I managed to go on vacation with only three knitting projects - and this is the one I ultimately settled on. It's a new summer shell in Elsebeth Lavold's silky wool...and is, in fact, one of her designs. Oddly enough, I spent most of the daylight hours on our trip to Chicago just happily watching the scenery go by. On the way back, I spent a lot of time monitoring the iPhone to help us dodge storms. All that to say, that I didn't get near as much done as I had expected. I'm only now ready for the central motif.
It wouldn't be summer without baby knits, and this year I'm going to happily use my stash. The bag on the left is a huge bag of leftovers, and the bag on the right is a KnitPicks sampler bag. Underneath is a pile of patterns. I'm planning on getting to work this weekend...and the more of this yarn that I use up the happier I'll be!