The Best Daddy In The World
I asked the girls what they would like to say about their Daddy.
From the Princess, "Daddy thinks that my Simpson card is the best card in the world cause it talks funny. Daddy is the best daddy in the world because he's lovable. I think he's cute and he snuggles me a lot and I like it because I ask questions about the world and he had very good answers. And I like him because he is funny. And he gives me the best and biggest hugs and kisses in the world."
From the Pixie,"Because he's -ah- the best daddy in the world. He loves me cause I'm lovey. His letter for his name is S, cause it has sparkles and lillies on it. (OK, I have no idea where that came from.) I think he is funny (She is good at copying her sister...) and for him taking me to school. I like to play band hero with him. I like him to set me up a movie on the new tv. For kissing him for kissing me. That's it."