Show And Tell
First up, the knitting accessory that saved my sanity.
This used to be my needle storage.
Now all of my circs live in this nifty new case from Namaste - which I purchased at Webs. I'm till working on the DPN's.
Moving on to Mother's Day!
My lovely new Lisa Leonard necklace....which I've worn every day since I received it. Yes, it's a bit too sweet for my taste normally, but for some reason I love it beyond reason.
Incidentally, it proved to be VERY difficult to photograph. My camera and I had a few issues....and at least one nasty discussion.
These are the lovely pots which my mother-in-law helped the girls to make.
And finally, some freshly spun yarn.
This is the two-ply from the icky alpaca. Enough said. I'm sure I'll find something to do with it.
My blue merino - 16 oz from the Yarn Barn - is now a lovely three-ply of about a DK weight.
I counted the wraps when I wound it off, and I have just under 800 yards. (I LOVE that I can make jumbo-skeins with my wheel!) I'm already plotting what I shall do with that.... If I had it to do again, I would spin it a bit thicker and a lot softer. While the finished yarn is very nicely balanced, it's a bit too 'hard' for my tastes. The good news, though, is that it should wear like iron.
Credit must go to Anne, who does an excellent job of explaining her spinning process. Thanks to her, I knew just how to prepare this roving to get exactly the yarn I wanted. For the record - I divided the roving into two pieces, which each had the same color repeat. I then split one of the pieces into six strips, being careful to spin them in the same order. The other half was spun as it was so that I had one very long color repeat on the finished bobbin. I then plied the two together for the barber pole effect.
If I had just one thing that I would do differently, it would be that I would pick a bigger whorl on the wheel. I'm a fast peddler, and I had to work to slow myself down so as not to over spin the singles.
The fiber was from All The Pretty Fibers, and I must say it was a joy to work with.
Thanks for the pics! It's fun to see what you've got going at your end.