Monday Meanderings,,,New Bike Edition!
- Let us begin with the craft stuff this week. It sometimes doesn't get its full due.
- This morning I had clumsy fingers and couldn't spindle spin worth a darn. How's that for funny. I got frustrated, laughed at myself, and went after the knitting.
- On Saturday I finished the baby gift for my personal trainer. I will be posting FO pictures tomorrow. For now, suffice it to say that it's quite simply the most delectable baby gift I have ever made.
- Even if it did turn out to be big enough for a two-year-old.
- It's good to get gifts that will last for a long while....
- Progress continues on the mandalas. By mid-week I should have completed the third section on both and will hopefully post progress pictures.
- My husband's cat just bit me. I hate that cat.
- I'm going to get started on the Princess shawl again this week.
- Also, I'm casting on for a summer top for myself. Let's hope this time it doesn't turn out small enough for the Princess.
- Cleaning out the closet/bedroom seems to have had an interesting effect on me. It's caused two distinct phenomenons.
- First, I almost don't know what to do with myself, and find myself a bit overwhelmed by order and cleanliness. Make of that what you will.
- By way of explanation, I keep finding myself sitting on my bed, staring blankly around me, incapable of deciding what to do next. Weird.
- Second, I went shopping yesterday, and for the first time EVER I had a blast! In fact, I found the most perfect dress in the world - one so gorgeous that I keep trying it on so that I can dance around the house a little.
- I also filled out my summer wardrobe needs - which were actually pretty modest. I still have no need for a closet full, after all.
- Besides, I still plan on being in workout clothes most of the time!
- In addition, today I went downtown and bought two new pair of Birkenstocks. As my last pair lasted 14 years, I think this is a good investment. I will say, though, that I wish I'd tried this store years ago. It's the first time I've ever walked into a shoe store and had CHOICE. I plan on going back this fall as all of my winter shoes need to be replaced as well.
- It's good to have new things - especially when one is so very excited about them!
- I still need a swimsuit. I'm not excited about that at all.
- I've decided that the basement will have to wait until after school is out. The next couple of weeks are just too crazy to start a project of that magnitude.
- In fact, this week is so busy it makes me want a nap just thinking about it.
- This week is also my last week with my trainer. Trust me, I will cry on Thursday.
- Meghan did tell me last week that I'm back to and exceeding my pre-surgery strength training numbers. Yay me!
- Also, I had two fantastic runs last week - b0th breaking four miles, and both leaving me with tons of energy for the rest of the day.
- It's good to be back.
And on that note, have a great week everyone!
And I love the bike!