Thank Goodness For Simple Socks!
I presented them this morning to my husband - with the caveat that he could only have them if I got a picture - which he happily agreed to. Now, they did not look this crazy before he put them on. When they were stretched out to fit, though, we both had to laugh a bit because they are almost seizure-inducing in the pattern they create. You definitely don't want to look at them either too closely or for too long! Good thing they are comfy and cozy!
These are my standard Ann Budd basic pattern on 2.25 mm needles. The yarn is Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock in the never-ending stash of Bee Stripe that I rather unfortunately bought about five years ago on clearance. (Sorry...too lazy to link to everything today.) I began the project on Feb. 25th and finished on March 19th!
Hope you are feeling better!