Monday Meanderings
Ok, I'm actually writing this during the Oscars, and they are now doing a tribute to horror films...which my husband and I happen to love8 more than almost anything else - especially the 'classic' horror films of our teens and twenties. The cheesier the better! Must stop writing for a minute....
Well I'm back, and here are my meanderings.
- My daughters think that I need to buy myself a pretty gown - like those seen on the Oscars red carpet show - and are completely unfazed by my protestations that I have nowhere to wear one. (Do you remember that Friends episode where the girls wore the wedding dresses all day?)
- I admit, I've often admitted that I wish I had someplace fancy to wear a ballgown to. I have had very happy experiences in very pretty dresses, and I love feeling like a princess.
- Which is why I'm going to wear my tiara around the house tomorrow.
- I don't feel much like a princess right now. I suspect that my tummy upset all week has not in fact been some weird issue with food or stress, but that I may have had some sort of bug because my temp has been fluctuating all evening. Yuck.
- Speaking of the tummy, my BKB and trainer have me convinced that it's time to go talk to a specialist about the fact that it just isn't a peaceful tummy. I'm debating between a gastrointerologist and an allergist. Perhaps both.
- I had my first official outdoor training run today. I had hoped for 10 miles, but only made 7.5. It's the first time since starting the half-marathon training that I haven't made my goal, and truth be told, I'm a bit upset about it. Cardio wise I was fine, but my hips and knees were screaming. Rather than injure myself I just stopped - reminding myself that the great outdoors was quite different than a treadmill.
- The good news - that 7.5 miles was a good 20-25 minutes faster than the last time I ran 7.5 miles outdoors, and it was on hillier terrain.
- Even better - I'm not that far off of my goal pace! I'd expected to be a wee bit slower today, and was pleasantly surprised with how close I came.
- Yes, I'm going to go to my running store to have my shoes checked, and then I'm going to make sure that all future runs are outside. It'll be fine.
- It was a fabulously beautiful day to be running outdoors. The sun was shining, a gentle breeze was blowing, the temperature was just about perfect and the park was filled with happy people. What more could a girl want?
- Last Thursday I had the best day. I had about five people randomly exclaim throughout the day, "Wow, you look really great!" Apparently, while I haven't really been dropping pounds, I have been shrinking.
- It was a much better day than the one during my first pregnancy when I had four people tell me how gigantic my chest had become....
- Anyway, yes, the number on the scales is moving down again! Officially 35 lbs as of Thursday! Between the compliments and the scales I've been given the boost I needed to keep going!
- On to the crafting....
- I have a goal of showing off a finished Botanica Medallian Cardi at guild on Tuesday. If I'm going to do that, I must hustle tomorrow to do all of the finish work!
- It would also be good to finish up the wee monkeys so that I can show them off as well. Then I can officially put that project to rest
- Can you tell I'm bad about putting off finish work? I'll complete all of the knitting and throw the pieces into a basket for months on end. Tsk. Tsk. Bad knitter.
- I settled on a pair of basic socks for my husband to fill my time while my I allow myself to go through the knitting doldrums. I'm almost finished with the first, and freely admit that I am finding it to be a very satisfying project right now.
- I did have some quality time with the Princess border yesterday. I'm finding it's something I really need a decent block of time to focus on...but when I can find that time it still is pure, knitting heaven.
- In the meantime, I've finished the second bobbin of the blue merino.
- Which means that I need to take a break from the blue merino so that I can ply some alpaca...thus freeing two bobbins for more blue merino.
- I'm not spinning every day...but I am spinning most days, and that is very good for the soul.
- A friend of mine and I want to learn how to crochet, and I've found myself looking at patterns online with increasing interest. I'm really impressed with how nice patterns have become, and while it will never take over as my favorite craft I would like to at least have the ability and knowledge to crochet if that's where the mood takes me.
- This may not seem like a 'creative' meandering, but I am quite happy to report anyway that I'm starting to get up earlier in the morning again. That little bit of quiet before the rest of the house gets up is magical, and it is something I really do need. My husband isn't so happy that I've been in bed between 9 and 9:30 every night...but then I'm happy with the 8-9 hours of sleep I'm getting every night!
- What do I do when I get up early? I journal or knit...both very good, filling-the-well sorts of activities!
And on that note, I need to go to bed. The silly Oscars could go on for hours...and I need some sleep!
Have a great week everyone!
It seems like many people are on the gluten-free bandwagon these days. I don't know any details, but perhaps something else to investigate re your health problems.
Happy Monday! xo