The Kindness of Friends
I had something rather wonderful happen to me this week....twice in fact! I was blessed enough to receive in the mail gifts from two of my blog friends...and what they neither one of them realized was that their timing was particularly good. While it was a good week in many ways, I did have a sick headache for much of the week, and so those two gifts just so happened to come when I really needed a bit of sunshine in my life.
First, my friend Paula sent me four skeins of Knit Picks Shadow, in Sunset. While Paula knits many lovely shawls, she had decided that laceweight just wasn't her thing, and would I like to have some yarn? Paula and I met through the PEO forum on Ravelry, shortly after we had each begun our first term as president of our chapters. Since then, I've discovered what a truly caring and generous person Paula is, and I'm VERY glad to have had the opportunity to get to know her!
The second gift was the gift of fiber and chocolate - a decadent combination - from my friend Anne. The fiber is from Funky Carolina, and the chocolate is from one of my favorite companies...both sent 'just because.' To be honest, I don't remember exactly how I met Anne...just that it seems we've now been commenting on each other's blogs forever! In addition to being another warm and generous soul, Anne has become one of my knitting and spinning inspirations, and I always come away from her blog posts with a whole bunch of ideas rattling around in my head!
Paula and Anne, thank you both VERY much for your gifts. I just know that each will provide me with hours and hours of possibility and pleasure. I hope you both know how much I value your friendship!