Happy Valentine's Day!
Valentine's Day is always a simple affair in our household. One of these days perhaps I'll give in to my secret desire to cover the house in hearts and flowers for a few days...but until then I'll take great joy in the easy traditions of our family.
There is always a gift made by the Princess. This year we were delighted with her letter puzzle that she created. Perhaps the Pixie will join her next year in her artistic endeavors.
My husband always does two things for me. The first is a small, half pound box of chocolate dipped strawberries from The Candy Factory - a local institution and a large part of why our city is #17 on a recently published list of romantic cities. Used to be that you could only get them three days of the year. They now are available perhaps for 12 days - having added Secretary's Day and Easter to the tradition. The strawberries are completely enrobed in a double layer of chocolate - and if you give them a day or two they will ferment just a tad, making them even better with a delicious fizziness.
Not one to slight his girls, my husband also gave a batch of daisies to his little Valentines. You can't tell in this picture, but the daisies are dusted with glitter...which caused much rejoicing when the girls first received their gift.
Some years ago, I told my husband that the only thing I wanted for Valentine's Day was this wee box of 4-5 strawberries, and it has become our tradition. The gift - more so than the actual berries - is that he always remembers and always makes the trip to a store that is very much out of our normal way. All of the diamonds in the world would never mean as much to me as this gift.
The second present is always a simple bouquet from the grocery store. The daisies this year were the perfect foil for the grey weather, and I absolutely love their cheeriness! I adore flowers - used to work for the best florist in town and had the past pres. of the MO. State Floral Ass. for our wedding - but I'm a realist, and we don't have money for the kind of flowers in my dreams. I do love, though, seeing what my husband will choose for me. My daisies this year are among some of the best - largely because they are just so happy!
Whatever you are doing today, I hope you have much to celebrate and loved ones to celebrate with.
Happy Valentine's Day!