A Quiet Day At Home
Last Saturday was lovely for so very many reasons.
I had the opportunity to sleep in....and I really did, staying in bed until 10!
While the adults in the family had no plans, the girls went to visit their cousins one last time, giving us some much-needed quiet time.
In fact, my husband took care of the girls most of the day, and so I had a very relaxing day.
You've seen similar pictures many, many times, and so it should come as no surprise that I used my quiet day as time to dream and play in my stash. I don't know why it soothes my soul, but it really does.
This time, though, I had intent and purpose. I had decided to start a year-long project - my own, personal Year of Lace. The caveat? I could only use materials I already had on hand...yarn, patterns, beads and needles.
Several projects were already bundled and ready to go. What you see here are six projects in waiting, one WIP that is about half done and one long-term project that isn't really a part of my project. In all honesty, I don't know that I'll 'plan' any more in advance. Much as I enjoy lists, when my knitting becomes a requirement than I lose all enjoyment in it.
Which isn't to say that I didn't enjoy playing with my yarns and patterns, mixing and matching to my heart's delight.
I had the opportunity to sleep in....and I really did, staying in bed until 10!
While the adults in the family had no plans, the girls went to visit their cousins one last time, giving us some much-needed quiet time.
In fact, my husband took care of the girls most of the day, and so I had a very relaxing day.
This time, though, I had intent and purpose. I had decided to start a year-long project - my own, personal Year of Lace. The caveat? I could only use materials I already had on hand...yarn, patterns, beads and needles.
Dream time is good.
And tomorrow, I'll introduce you to my January shawl.
I plan on doing a bit of planning over the next couple of days for the New Year.