Making A Decision
It's been a rough week here at Chez Green Woman, and I've been struggling a bit with whether or not I should discuss any of it here on my blog. On the one hand, it would not only explain my silence but it would also help to explain the current state of my creative life. On the other hand, I really hate it when bloggers share too much, and have unsubscribed to several blogs when the personal content becomes more than I want to read about.
So for now, let's just leave it at this....I had a rough week - mostly due to several smaller issues which for some reason just hit me really wrong. Nothing is wrong with the family or with myself, but I did need to go away and be cranky for a few days.
So what does one do when one needs to fight a bit of cranky melancholy? Well, you start a vibrant new knitting projects in colors so bright that they can't help but put a smile on your face. Even use materials you already have on hand!
I spent a fair amount of time on Ravelry yesterday, browsing projects made from various fingering weight yarns. In the end, I chose a simple shawl - Stephen West's Akimbo - that I had fallen for some time ago. (The fact that two of my guild friends are also making it makes me smile a bit more!) The trick was finding two yarns in my stash that went well together. Inspired by some of the bright combinations I found on Ravelry, I decided to use this purple Pagewood Farms yarn - called Passion - with some Dragonfly Fibers in a color called Terrapin. I think both were simply too pretty to use for socks!*
I'm choosing to move on in a better mood, and I think this was just the extra little bit of help I needed to get me there!
Tynan approves.
So for now, let's just leave it at this....I had a rough week - mostly due to several smaller issues which for some reason just hit me really wrong. Nothing is wrong with the family or with myself, but I did need to go away and be cranky for a few days.
I spent a fair amount of time on Ravelry yesterday, browsing projects made from various fingering weight yarns. In the end, I chose a simple shawl - Stephen West's Akimbo - that I had fallen for some time ago. (The fact that two of my guild friends are also making it makes me smile a bit more!) The trick was finding two yarns in my stash that went well together. Inspired by some of the bright combinations I found on Ravelry, I decided to use this purple Pagewood Farms yarn - called Passion - with some Dragonfly Fibers in a color called Terrapin. I think both were simply too pretty to use for socks!*
I'm choosing to move on in a better mood, and I think this was just the extra little bit of help I needed to get me there!
*As a side note - I adore handpainted sock yarns, but I am trying not to use them for actual socks anymore. I've had several bad experiences with the colors washing out/fading/muddying after just a few wearings, and at this point would rather use those colors that I love so much on something that will last longer and get more notice.