The Two-Day Shawl
Meghan has proven to be the perfect partner for me in my quest to build a better, healthier lifestyle - pushing when I need to be pushed, challenging when I'm ready to be challenged, providing sympathy and understanding when I need the extra help and always, always believing in me - even when I'm not so sure myself. There's truly a lot more to a good personal trainer than I ever thought there was...or maybe I'm just lucky to have been paired with Meghan.
Ene's Shawl by Nancy Bush in Scarf Style
Yarn: The Unique Sheep Leili, Gems of Turquoise, 4 skeins (with lots of leftover in the last!), purchased when the company was Liisu Yarns.
Needle: US 6, Addi Turbo, 24 inch
Time to knit: Cast on Dec 15th, but the bulk knit on December 19th and 20th.
Gifted too: Meghan, the world's most fabulous personal trainer!
PS. When I dropped it off at the gym this morning, I discovered that Meghan had left a gift for me, too. What does a trainer give her client? A pack of new running socks and a microfiber ear band for running outdoors in the weather! PERFECT!
I shall be thinking more about the book and/or video...but please do suggest topics. Nobody is suggesting anything, which leaves me sort of at wit's end :)