The Best Christmas Pageant Ever....Or At Least The Most Amusing
I ran the camcorder, and so unfortunately this is the only picture I got. The small one in the front with the wavy hair and green tutu is the Pixie....about 10 minutes before she decided that she was NOT wearing a costume for the performance. (Kid throwing fit v. only angel without wings....not even a close call.)
So how did it go?
Well, the best word I can use to describe the performance is "Chaotic." With five (5!) angels under the age of 4 who absolutely refused to conform, and thus spent the entire time running around like crazy.....I'm sure you can imagine what it was like. Add on top of that the fact that Sunday morning was the first time - in two and a half months of rehearsal - that all of the children performed together, and you have one hot mess. The pageant director was stressed out of her mind, we Moms were pretty darn tired, and the kids were so bouncing off the walls because they were thrilled to finally have an audience.
The Princess received many compliments afterwords for her great showmanship. She took her part and her lines very, VERY seriously, and delivered each one to the best of her ability - stepping up to the nearest mike to make SURE she was heard. She absolutely loves the pageant, and I'm so glad that she had such a great experience.
As to my little one, everyone loved watching the Pixie try to boss the other wee angels into submission. In fact, many, many people told me that the joy and enthusiasm of the wee angels was one of the best parts of the play. After all, someone has to be in charge of creating joy and happiness in heaven! I would also like to point out that of all of the baby angels, she was the only one who actually stepped up to dance and sing during many of the numbers.
As to me, well I still can't get the words of my favorite song out of my mind.
"I said, HEY!!!! Don't be Afraid! I've got some Great News!"
Glad you enjoyed my spindle candy...each one is a little work of art, but they are useful, so it's ok to have more of them!