Spring Has Done Sprung
Well, as the title suggests, spring has long since come and gone....but the socks managed to hold on until this week. Silly me.
They're just a basic pair of socks, knit on 2.25 mm KnitPicks Harmony DPN's. The yarn is Merino/Bamboo Sock from Ellen's Half-Pint Farm, in an unnamed colorway. Officially, they were an active project from Feb 19th to June 30th of this year. I cast on 72 stitches for the ribbing to give just a smidge of extra room in the leg, but when that was over I decreased to 68 stitches for the rest of the sock.
I do have just a couple of comments about the yarn. The color was absolutely lovely to work with, although I find it interesting to see how different the two socks actually are. It's a bit difficult to see in the pictures, but one shows definite stripes while the other is more mottled. Both show a subtle spiral around the leg and foot if you look close. It remains to be seen as to how well these will actually wear, but I have some doubts. The yarn did matt a bit around the outside of the ball, and that's a bit of a concern. It was soft, but it had a really odd quality about it - probably because of the bamboo. It felt a bit like old q-tips. I should probably work with some 100% bamboo to familiarize myself with it. In the meantime...we'll see.
And so once again....another pair of basic socks. If you are interested in pretty, patterned socks....well you just aren't going to find them here. I'd suggest checking out my new blog friend Anne's fantastic new pair if you want fancy!