Le Tour De Fleece At Last!
Remember when I said that I had signed up for Le Tour de Fleece again, but had managed to forget all about it until the day it started? Well, here we are...finally ready to begin.
My poor, neglected Lendrum. I love her, and yet I don't spend nearly enough time with her. Note the lack of a bobbin and the empty workbasket on the floor. That is about to change. My goal is to do some spinning every day through the rest of the tour to rebuild my spinning practice. I even rearranged a few things in our bedroom so that I now have a designated spinning space.
Goal number 2 is to renew my acquaintance with my drop spindle. I might even order a second, smaller spindle.
But then there's the question of what to spin....and you should have seen the look on my husband's face when he walked in our bedroom and found all of my prepared fiber stretched out on the bed.
These are my beloved 50/50 tencel merino blends from Bonkers. I absolutely adore this fiber! I'm also familiar enough with it now that I can almost spin it in my sleep.
But then there are the alpacas...and the alpaca silk blends. I'm awfully fond of alpaca, and those blends are calling to me. Most of it comes from Alpacas d'Auxvasse.
Let's not forget this small pile of bamboo from Butterfly Girl Designs. That would be a new challenge.
The llama is not really all that tempting, but I have a lot of it (from a Ravelry trade) and I really need to use it up. Some of the colors are really quite lovely.
These two are merino blends - sea wool on the right and silk on the left. I love the braid, from Creatively Dyed, and it's another that calls to me. I don't know what the heck I was thinking when I bought the red, green and yellow monstrosity. It might have to disappear.
Speaking of silk...I've never worked with 100% silk before, but some lives in my stash! You've a sharp eye if you recognize the silk on the left as being Chasing Rainbows.
Last, but certainly not least, are the merinos. I absolutely love this fiber, and it's one of the few that I've actually used in a knitted project. Soooo pretty.
My cat, Tynan, was unimpressed with my organizational efforts. He would like you to know that he's far more important than any silly old fiber. (He's also a much-beloved creature, who has been with me since the fall of 93. He's been on insulin for about 5 years now, and while he's still doing really well I feel a great need to start gathering records of him for posterity's sake.)
So what do you think? Any opinions on which fiber I should work with? I'm going to leave the ones that I'm most interested in out for the rest of the day to see which calls to me....but I'm also open to suggestions!