The Monday List
Drumroll, please...
Last week's wrap-up.
1. I did indeed finish my initial evaluations last week. I had a few questions come up in the process, and am waiting to hear back from the show superintendent before I go forward. I am amazed at how much I've learned in the process, and am very excited about what's to come!
2. I finished the first sleeve of my husband's Cobblesone on Saturday, and am about 1/3 of the way up the second sleeve. I chose to do the sleeves on a 16 " circular needle, because I know that this yarn ladders when DPN's are involved. Unfortunately, 16 " circs hurt my hands and slow me down considerably. (I had really hoped to have both done by now!) Ah well!
3. I did chose a shawl to work on this week, and in the process made myself very happy.
4. & 5. Art and Writing just didn't happen last week. There are only so many hours in the day, and it was a busy week.
6. & 7. Mornings and Bedtimes both improved - although not as much as I had hoped.
8. Sears did come to fix the treadmill, and the bad news is that it has cracks in the frame and probably won't last much longer. We're going to use it until it croaks, and then we won't be replacing it. Quite frankly, though we've used it quite a bit, we've found the upkeep to be prohibitively expensive.
9. A lot of my P.E.O. work was completed, but I have more to do.
10. My husband cleaned both girls' rooms over the weekend while we were at my parents' home. Yay husband!
This Week's List:
- Finish P.E.O. work. It's important!
- Set up a schedule for spinning the alpaca samples, and then get to it! My goal is to have everything finished and ready to return to the show officials by the first of March. I definitely found last week that slow and steady wins the race...and makes for a happier judge. A solid schedule is the key!
- Work on Cobblestone. In my heart of hearts, I would love to have it finished by the end of the month....
- Work on my shawl. This is my 'reward' knitting - to be done only when everything else is taken care of and/or on my night off.
- Finish cutting pieces for quilt, and then start sewing them together. I know, I explanation post is coming as to how this could have happened. I have to strike while the iron is hot, though, because otherwise it might not get done!
- Continue working on my morning and evening routines. It helps soooo much!
- Actually make that appointment with my acupuncturist. You all have permission to hound me until it gets done.
Have a great week!
I love that shot of the cardinal - an inspiration on this chilly Monday morning!