The Monday Morning List - The Returning To Normal Edition
I am quite happy to report that I was easily able to do everything on last week's list. Most of it was simple - in keeping with a holiday week - so there's no need to go over it here.
For this week:
- I am thrilled to report that I survived Thanksgiving week without gaining any weight! That's a very big deal - especially given the type of stress/exhaustion eating I tend to do at my parents' home. For this week, I want to build on the momentum from the last two weeks by continuing on with my Writing Diet exercises, working out, eating right, getting my sleep habits back on track and generally just taking care of myself. I feel good, and I don't want to lose that!
- I finished both tams last week, and moved on to the next Christmas gift - a February Lady sweater for the Princess. (Personally, I think it's hilarious that I sized down a sweater pattern that was sized up from it's original Elizabeth Zimmermann design) It's a quick knit, and I should have no trouble finishing it. Yay to being a bit ahead!
- I also want to get Ripples In Time finished in time for the next guild meeting - which is on the 9th.
- We want to finish our deep clean of the house by the weekend so that we can sit back and enjoy the holidays. Yes, my husband has committed to helping, as have the girls, so this isn't a one-woman show. If we take it in chunks every day, than we should have no problems.
- And then...we can decorate for Christmas! I'm getting a few things out today, but the bulk of it will probably happen over the weekend.
- I don't think our holiday schedule is going to be too crazy this year, but I do need to sit down and make sure that I know what our schedule looks like so that it's as easy as can be.
- I am considering making a few ornaments for this year to give as wee gifts, and I would like to get started this week. I'm keeping it a secret as they would be going to some readers....
- While home for the holidays, I picked up the things I needed to make a bead necklace that I've been planning for a while. I would really love to wear it to my PEO Christmas meeting this week, but if that doesn't happen I would like to at least get it done this week so that it's done.
- It's not exciting, but I do need to do our menu planning for the month. Sounds silly to plan it out so far in advance, but we've found that we're really cutting our grocery bills by doing so.
- It's looking like my husband is going to get an unfinished sweater in a box. I assured a friend of my mom's on Friday that this was the sign of a true Knitter. Sigh. Must. Work. On. Sweater.
Have a great week everyone!