Thoughts On A Tuesday
A basket full of possibility....just waiting to be wound into skeins.
- I posted this on my facebook page a few days ago. It pretty much sums up my life for the last four months or so. The older I get, the stronger my introverted tendencies seem to be.
- Or, the less inclined I am to pretend to be what I am not.
- And I am too tired to figure out how to get the numbers to work...thus 2 #1's.
- I detest the week or so around the 4th of July. I know, it's unAmerican. BUT, in my defence - we live on the edge of city limits, right next to the fireworks stands. Generally we have 1-2 weeks of constant explosions, most of them after my ordinary bedtime. Sigh.
- Although we have the explosions to thank for the fact that I'm doing a blog post right now! Lemonade, people!
- My girls are having the Best. Week. EVER! Their cousins are in town, and so are their very best church friends from St. Louis. It does this mama's heart good to see them having so much fun with some really great kids!
- My dog is fabulous. That is all.
- I have rather a glut of wonderful books to read right the point where I'm having a bit of trouble deciding what to read next! Also, I feel like I can't read fast enough to cover all of the books I want to read. This is a good problem to have.
- It's summer, which means my time is pretty limited.
- I am enjoying early mornings by myself on our deck, and I'm happy to say that I've used that time this month to restart my journal habit. That's a very good thing.
- Creatively, I'm at a bit of a standstill, and have been for a little while. Some reasons:
- I've either finished or lost interest in most of the patterns in my long term wish list.
- I don't have the materials for the few items still on that list - and I'm rather loath to spend money until I've used up more of what I DO have.
- My size is fluctuating, and there's no point knitting for myself until it stabilizes.
- I'm now 99% certain I'm allergic to my parents' sheep, and that's upsetting.
- Actually, that's beyond upsetting.
- The spinning wheel continues to not be quite right....although I think it's better.
- I've got some stuff going on with my health. Ugh.
- The only thing I'll say for now is that my doc believes I'm in adrenal fatigue...a condition I once scoffed at as being an imaginary condition, but after a whole lot of research and a diagnosis by my very smart doc....well, drat. We didn't do any testing because it's just that obvious.
- And it sucks.
- And I'm taking steps to fix it.
- The good news:
- I actually had some ideas this last week for some design projects.
- If I can carve some time out, away from my children, I just might be able too see those ideas come to life....which is very exciting.
- I did buy 8 oz. of some laceweight to make that dream a reality.
- I also have some ideas to improve our home a bit...hopefully making it more comfortable for all of us.
- Early morning journaling on the deck is very good for me for a lot of reasons.
- The plan is to get back to regular blogging. I've missed it!
- I'm blessed to have a great support system for fixing the health problems....and I managed to catch what was going on before it became enough of a problem to truly disrupt life.
- I'm seeing my acupuncturist again. Yay!
And I think that's enough for now. This girl needs to go to bed!
Have a great week everyone!
