Merry And Bright

The Magic Tree in it's original location, photo 2009.
Miss Pixie just came over and saw the picture and asked,
"Are Magic Trees really magic?"
Yes, my dear, they are.

Friends, I absolutely adore Christmas.

And yet....due to a second round of flu this weekend, I am horribly behind in my preparations.  In trying to figure out how to go about making sure everything gets done and I don't go crazy in the process (because really, I'm too worn out from being sick to even contemplate the crazy plan) I've decided I'm going to have to put the blog on hold until after the holidays.  I'm hoping I'll have time to write a bit between Christmas and New Years, but there is no guarantee at this point.

So for now...thank you very much for reading and sharing comments with me in 2011.

May Your Holidays be VERY Merry and Bright!

And I'll see you again in 2012.



Kate (Cathy Johnson) said…
WOW. That is lovely, and thank you for sharing, sweet. PLEASE feel better, and don't stress yourself too much. No going crazy! If everything doesn't get done, you know what? It'll be all right...take care of yourself.
margene said…
The tree exudes magical abilities! It looks like something from a fairy tale. Happy Christmas and a very Happy (healthy) New Year to you and your family!!
Bonnie said…
Feel better soon, and have a very happy Christmas!
Shelda said…
I really hope 2012 is going to be a healthier year (for both of us)! Have a nice holiday, and enjoy your family.

I do SO love that tree!
Jenny said…
The Happiest of Holidays and a healthy New Year to you!
Leciawp said…
Such a beautiful tree!

Last night Alexi recounted a couple of stressful interactions that happened at work. His stories reminded me how hard this time of year can be for all of us, in so many different ways. I hope you're able to enjoy it, and not take on more than makes sense. Trying to do the same, here. xoxo
Rachael said…
Have a wonderful Christmas!!

Good idea not to stress yourself with too much.
Love your blog!

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