New Tools
Spinning is not necessarily a gadget-heavy hobby. You need a spinning tool - wheel or spindle - and some fiber. Easy enough.
Sometimes, though, something special comes along that you really just NEED.
I found this lovely Drop Spindle Distaff while browsing spindles on Etsy.
I had been contemplating making on for quite some time...but was never really happy with the patterns and designs I had seen. This beauty, however, was just exactly what I wanted...and the price was phenomenal!
For those of you who aren't spinners, a wrist distaff is a tool that you use to control your fiber when spinning. By wrapping the fiber around the distaff, you are able to keep it neat and manageable and can easily put it down if you need to. Already I am wondering how I ever lived without it!
I did want to also mention that this particular Etsy seller is a gem. She has incredible customer service and is very friendly.
I also broke down and bought a Trindle Spindle (also on's the funky looking thing with the pink beads). I remember seeing the press they received some time ago in Spin Off, and being curious. At about that time they also were "Harloted" when the Yarn Harlot blogged about trying one out, which is a very big deal for anyone in the fiber industry. I don't know that I would ever have wanted one, though, if I hadn't heard the interview Jeremy Armstrong, the Trindleman, did on Fiber Beat.
I was completely fascinated, and of course immediately had to go get one for myself. It only just arrived, and so I haven't had time to give it a test drive yet. I can say, though, that in my hands it spins forever, and it is as light as can be. This particular model is a lightweight spindle for lace - fingering weight yarns. I've ordered a second set of featherweight beads for cobweb spinning.
I did want to also mention that this particular Etsy seller is a gem. She has incredible customer service and is very friendly.
My only complaint is that the customer service wasn't so great. I emailed them a question and it wasn't answered. Then I ordered the second set of beads before the first was shipped, requesting they add it to my original order...but that didn't happen. No news yet as to when the second set of beads will be shipped.
I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt because I know they are very busy, and I know it's just the two of them. I'm willing to be patient for an artist!
And I am one happy, happy spinner.