The Year Of The Sock
Last Thursday night my friend Shelda and I had our monthly mini-socks summit, and it fired me up so much that I came home and spent Friday doing this:
That's right, I've planned out 12 of the 13 pair of socks I intend to do for our sock project!
The first pair is done. While originally we had intended the project to include only 'fancy' socks, I decided that this pair (which I actually knit in December - the month our project was officially launched) were the perfect way to start. Why? I pushed myself out of my comfort zone with these socks - forcing myself to use a larger needle for a slightly looser gauge than I normally use. I know this doesn't sound like a big deal, but trust me...with OCD tendencies as strong as mine it really WAS a big deal.
I then moved on to Fiesta Feet in January- the first of which stared in my recent post on single sock use. (So popular, I might add, that I'm planning a second list!) As you can see, I HAVE started the no worries. This sock is all about fun and experimentation, and it really is like knitting a carnival....albeit a slow-motion carnival.
Colorwork underway, I moved on to Cookie A.'s Rhombus socks last month. I am in love. I took a bit of a risk with the needle size - basing my selection on an educated guess - and it turns out that I was absolutely right! More to come when they are finished..which will hopefully be by the end of the week.
I seem to have been struck with a crazy desire to cast on as many of my projects as I have needles for (which is possibly all of them.....), which explains why I've already cast on for the Tree of Life socks. (Ahem.)
Technically, though, my socks for March are going to be the Lovely Lavender Fields socks. For me they represent a problem solving experiment as I had to futz with the pattern so that I could add more stitches to the circumference. I'm quite happy to say that I was successful in my efforts, and am now well underway on a beautiful pair of lace socks!
In April, Shelda and I will both tackle the uber-popular Monkeys by Cookie A. Both of us had long avoided the pattern because we felt the gauge was too loose, but now that it's been republished with multiple sizes...Yatzee! I have tons of yarn that will work for it...but will wait until April actually starts before I pick.
Isn't this fun?!
I realized I really need to sit down and make myself a real list of what socks must be included, or I'm going to get befuddled by it all and not get the priorities knitted. We'll see where I end up.
And I love, love, love it that I already have next year's "plan" percolating away as well. Gotta embrace the craziness!