The Green Woman Took Away My Knitting Needles
Which really isn't that big of a deal.
So I took my beautiful Sandalwood merino (bottom left) and decided to spin up a chunky (for me) yarn. Yep, I had planned to do the pink I showed you a few days ago, but honestly the Sandalwood just screamed FALL, and after a couple of days of unusually warm temperatures I needed the reminder. (Plus, the Princess told me I should pick the Sandalwood.)
I had two bundles - each 8 oz - and I decided to keep it simple. First I divided each bundle in half so that I could fill four bobbins as easily as possible.
I then tore each piece into 10-12 inch long chunks, which I predrafted a bit before spinning the singles as chunky as is possible for me. Easy peasy.
Out came the plying head and bobbin...because I like nice, big, fat skeins!
Here's a picture for scale. I believe it took about two hours to fill each bobbin with the singles, and then plying took about another hour and a half. I'm used to spinning very fine yarns, so for me this was an exceedingly fast project.
And the Princess has already requested that I knit something for her with this yarn.
Two days of spinning yields two gigantic skeins (16 oz. total) of lovely, squishy yarn. It's EXACTLY what I wanted!
And the Princess has already requested that I knit something for her with this yarn.